I started my career as a professional makeup artist over 5 years ago, and I could honestly say I had never felt more accomplished in my career as I did when I had taught my first group makeup class. It was a pleasure meeting different types of

woman with all types of makeup concerns. I was so happy to answer and help all of my students, we even went Facebook Live so that all of my facebook friends could enjoy a free class! We went over Regular makeup, High Definition Makeup, Tools, Product knowledge, Day to Night Makeup Artistry, Heavy and Light contouring, and etc. My students had appetizers, refreshments, goodie bags, and were certified at the end of the class.

I noticed many of my students were more concerned about contouring and lip plumping, since it is a huge trend right now. All students were provided with a notebook, selfie mirror with lights, and utensils. I had them mimic every stroke I applied on my models face. Products Brands that were used in class: Mac Cosmetics, Urban Decay, Smashbox, Benefit, Bobbi Brown, Anastasia Beverly Hills, Colourpop, and etc. (I will post how I complete my makeup step by step in another blog post) So... Last but not least, I would like to congratulate my lovely students for completing my 2017 Makeup Master Class! Thank you for joining me in this journey and I wish you guys great success Xoxoxo.

Heres a trailer of what my Master Class consisted of, Enjoy