I finally met Celebrity MUA Lilit Cardanian, Founder of Elcie Cosmetics, aka @Makeupbylilit on Instagram. She was absolutely lovely. The owner of Appeal

Cosmetics invited me to come out and do a presentation for her lash line, I was the instructor on "how to apply lashes" and "which lash fit best for your eye-shape". I got to see all the aspiring talented makeup artists in Lilit's classroom who came from all over the world to advance their makeup skills. I was honored to be there, and grateful for the experience. Lilit then gifted us with her one and only Elcie Cosmetics liquid foundation, this was when Elcie just came out to the public so I had to get my hands on this foundation. The foundation is extremely silky and when applying approximately 2-3 layers, you'll get the full coverage you're looking for. Applying 1 layer was even heaven, my skin looked and felt silky and covered a medium range of my face to satisfy my day to day tasks. You can purchase her products

at: https://www.elciecosmetics.com/ - Elcie, compared to other foundations (I mainly use MAC Studio fix fluid on most of my clients) seems more waterproof, it doesn't smear or streak when applying. Its almost like a better version of Armani Luminous Silk, which is a quite popular liquid foundation for celebrities. I recommend this product for all skin types, I would apply maybe a little more moisturizer before applying to very dry skin, and that's if you're really dry. Anyways I give this baby a 9/10 on my MBMegs rector scale. Below you'll see a raw video of me and Candace in Lilit's classroom teaching how to apply lashes & how Candace started her line.